National Reference Group
The National Reference Group operates as a ‘network of networks’ to provide strong links between NHC Toka Tū Ake and our communities. The group provides community input into our work to make New Zealand communities more resilient for future events and to help people to recover more quickly when damage does occur.
The group was set up at the recommendation of the 2020 Public Inquiry into the Earthquake Commission. Members represent a range of customer groups and provide us with valuable perspectives and expertise across a range of sectors.
In establishing the group, we consulted with government and non-government agencies on how the group could best provide community input into our work and sought nominations for membership from a broad range of stakeholders.
Name | Representing |
Robyn Wallace (NRG Chair) | Te Puni Kokiri |
Tom McBrearty | Homeowners Advisory Group (HOAG) |
Linda Ngata | FinCap |
Jon Duffy | Consumer NZ |
Karen Billings-Jensen | Age Concern |
Jenna Rogers | National Emergency Management Agency |
Mojo Mathers | Disabled Persons Assembly |
Ropeta Mene-Tulia | Ministry for Pacific Peoples |
Sharron Davie Martin | Rural Women NZ |