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External Reviews of the Earthquake Commission since 2010

There have been over 50 reviews of EQC in the decade since 2009.

The recommendations from the reviews fall broadly into six themes:

  1. improve the quality of repairs carried out in the Canterbury Home Repair Programme and EQC’s approach to the project management services provided;
  2. improve EQC’s customer experience, particularly communications with individual homeowners;
  3. improve EQC’s relationship with private insurers and the ways in which EQC and private insurers could more efficient manage their shared insurance obligations for individual properties;
  4. improve the operational practices and governance and operational structure of EQC;
  5. improve the external monitoring arrangements over EQC; and,
  6. identify lessons, tools and information from events that could usefully support responses to future natural disasters.

With such a large number of reviews focusing on nearly all aspects of EQC’s work and environment, there are further recommendations that are not covered in the attached briefing. The six themes summarised do however cover a large proportion of all the recommendations from the key reviews into EQC.

Note: Since the submission of the original external review briefing in March 2019 and during the remaining documentation review, further external reviews were either located and/or additional reviews were requested and completed. The final list of external reviews of EQC as provided to the Public Inquiry is located here [PDF, 251 KB] as an addendum [PDF, 179 KB] to the original briefing.