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Building or renovating

If you are building a new home or making changes to your current home, it is the perfect time to make sure your home is well prepared for the tests of a natural disaster.

See below for ways you can make your home stronger and safer.

  • Ask your local council about your building site’s vulnerability to natural hazards.
  • When building new or renovating, consider improvements that make your home stronger and safer.
  • Check you can insure your new or renovated home, especially one in an area vulnerable to natural hazards.
Persons crouches in a half built room
Making improvements as part of a renovation

If you’re renovating your home, it's the perfect opportunity to make it safer and stronger for natural hazards.

Building or renovating
Building or renovating where there’s increased natural hazard risk

When building or renovating, you need to consider whether your property has increased vulnerability to natural hazards.

Close up of two people shaking hands with construction in the background
Building a more resilient home

When planning your new build, talk to your licensed building practitioner, designer or an engineer about what designs, construction methods and materials will help make your new home strong and safe in a natural disaster.

Timber framing of a house
Choosing a good building site

You’ll need to consider the type of land your home will sit on and how that land will perform during a natural disaster.

Person on a computer
Insuring your property

You will need to find out about your options for insuring your building project and also your new or renovated home.