Insurance and claims
Helping New Zealanders recover from the impact of natural hazards is at the heart of what we do at NHC Toka Tū Ake. We provide natural hazards insurance cover, to help you rebuild or repair your home if it is damaged by a natural disaster.

Our natural hazards cover provides the first layer of insurance cover for your home, and limited cover for your land.

After severe weather events we can contribute to the cost of cleaning up your land as a part of your settlement.

Navigate the natural hazard damage claims process, and what to do when buying or selling a home with previous claims.

Understand your rights as an insured person, how to make a complaint, and your options for resolving disputes about claims.

We work with most private insurers to simplify the process for making a claim for natural hazard damage.

Talk to your insurer before starting on any urgent repairs to your home or land after a natural hazard event.

If certain section notices appear on a property title this can affect natural hazards cover and the outcome of any claims.

We’re working hard to resolve outstanding Canterbury claims so no one continues to live in earthquake damaged homes.