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Canterbury earthquake land claims

The Canterbury events marks the first time anywhere in the world that these types of land damage have been recognised as insured damage. Learn more about the types of land damage here.

The information provided on this webpage is specific to the Canterbury events and in accordance with the detailed provisions of the Earthquake Commission Act 1993 (EQC Act), which was current at the time.

The Canterbury earthquake sequence taught us that some land damage is visible, such as cracking and undulation (where the land has moved in an up-and-down movement resulting in a wavy shape). But other damage can be more complex and not as easy to see, such as Increased Flooding Vulnerability (IFV) and Increased Liquefaction Vulnerability (ILV). 

Additionally some land claims are more complex because of structures or shared ownership.


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Increased Liquefaction Vulnerability (ILV)

In some areas of Canterbury, the 2010-2011 earthquakes caused changes to residential land that mean that some properties are now more vulnerable to liquefaction damage in future earthquakes.

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Increased Flooding Vulnerability (IFV)

In some parts of Canterbury the earthquakes caused changes to residential land which means some properties are now vulnerable to flooding where previously they were not.

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Visible land damage

We have identified different types of land damage that can be seen by looking at different land types. Learn more.

kaikoura land damage web
Ground Improvement Programme

The Ground Improvement Programme is an Toka Tū Ake EQC-led research programme which informs more affordable and practical ways of making residential land less vulnerable to liquefaction.

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Factsheets and supporting guides

Here you will find factsheets and guides relating to the different land types.