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Factsheets and supporting guides

  1. Guide to Canterbury Land Claims – Visible Damage
  2. Guide to Settlement of Canterbury Flat Land Claims
  3. Guide to Settlement of Port Hills Land Claims
  4. Land Structures Factsheet
  5. Diminution of Value Methodology for Increased Flooding Vulnerability
  6. Diminution of Value (DOV) due to both IFV and ILV land damage (where house has been or will be rebuilt)
  7. Diminution of Value (DOV) due to increased flooding Vulnerability (IFV) land damage (where the house has been or will be rebuilt)
  8. Diminution of Value (DOV) due to increased liquefaction vulnerability (ILV) land damage (where the house has been or will be rebuilt)
  9. Diminution of Value (DOV) due to IFV land damage where house still in place
  10. Diminution of Value (DOV) due to IFV land damage – Unit title developments
  11. Diminution of Value (DOV) due to Increased Liquefaction Vulnerability (ILV) Land Damage (where house is still in place)
  12. Increased Liquefaction Vulnerability (ILV) land damage repair cost settlements factsheet
  13. Increased Flooding Vulnerability – Unit Title Developments
  14. ‘Increased risk’ land damage factsheet
  15. What were the Canterbury Ground Improvement Science Trials?
  16. Ground Improvement Trials for Liquefaction Vulnerable Land
  17. What is a cone penetration test (CPT)?
  18. What is crosshole geophysical testing?
  19. What is T-Rex shake testing?
  20. What is blast-induced liquefaction testing?
  21. What are stone columns?
  22. What are Rammed Aggregate Piers?
  23. What are driven timber poles?
  24. What are reinforced soil-cement rafts?
  25. What are reinforced gravel rafts?
  26. What are Horizontal Soil Mixed (HSM) beams?
  27. What are standard specifications?
  28. What is a resource consent and why do I need one for ground improvement?
  29. What is a building consent and why do I need one for ground improvement?