External hard surfaces
The external hard surfaces around your home (i.e. paths, patios, driveways) are constantly exposed to the effects of not only the weather (i.e. freeze/thaw cycles) but also the wear and tear of everyday foot and vehicle traffic.
As a result, colour fading, staining and minor to moderate damage over extended periods can and should be expected.
Cracked paving slabs
Pavers are a popular choice for patios and walkways. Laid across a bed of sand for stability, they offer a flat, solid surface in a variety of colours and textures. However inadequate base preparation coupled with pavers which are too thin for loads often results in cracking to the paving slabs while drainage issues or poor water run off can compromise the sand layer (or soil underneath) resulting in uneven settlement of the material laid above.
For more information, visit:
BRANZ – Paving slabs cracked(external link)
Concrete cracking
The proper use of control joints, correct site preparation and quality concrete placing will significantly reduce the risk of any cracking. However cracks can still occur for a variety of reasons. Shrinkage cracking is quite common and expected. As concrete hardens, excess water evaporates which causes the concrete to shrink.
For more information, visit:
BRANZ – Paths and paving – concrete cracks(external link)
Slumping of hard surfaces
Soil settlement under concrete or asphalt can result in cracking of the above surfaces, while crumbling may be evidence of poor-quality finishing techniques. Soil settlement can occur for a variety of reasons such as overloading of the above surface, inadequate basecourse compaction and even leaking pipes or drains.
For more information, visit:
BRANZ – Asphalt path/driveway slumping(external link)
General surface deterioration
Poorly performed high-pressure water blasting can also lead to deterioration of hard surfaces and in some cases, expose reinforcing causing the steel to corrode which can affect the concrete integrity in surrounding areas.
For more information, visit:
BRANZ – Concrete patios – surface deterioration(external link)
BRANZ – Path/driveway – concrete surface deterioration(external link)