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Get to know your natural hazards cover

The best time to learn about natural hazards insurance is before you need it.

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Do you know what’s covered if disaster hits your home?

If a natural disaster affects your home, insurance cover for your property is provided by both the Natural Hazards Commission and your private insurer.

For damage to your home, we cover the first $300,000 of damage and your private insurance covers the rest, up to your policy limits.

We also provide limited cover for some of the land under and around your home. You can't buy extra land cover from your insurer, so it's important to understand the limits of the land area that is covered, and the maximum amount you can be paid. 

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This information provides a general summary of the insurance we provide under under our governing legislation, being the EQC Act for claims for damage that occurred before 1 July 2024, and the NHI Act for claims for damage that occurred on or after 1 July 2024. The Acts will always prevail over the content of this webpage.

  • We use the term “home” in this information while the Act uses the term “dwelling”.
  • Generally, everyone with valid private insurance for their home or holiday home that includes fire insurance pays the Natural Hazards Insurance levy and has access to our insurance cover.
  • Some insurers may offer additional top- up cover for land structures such as retaining walls, bridges and culverts. Talk to your insurer to find out what extra cover is available.
  • Information in this webpage is valid for homeowners who pay the Natural Hazards Insurance levy through a private insurer that is a member of the insurance partnership with us. For Direct NHCover customers or those whose private insurer does not partner with us, details on how you access NHCover or make a claim may be different. 

Photo credit: Graham Hancox, GNS Science.