EQCover Insurers' Guide October 2022
EQCover is the Toka Tū Ake EQC’s natural disaster insurance for homes and land.
EQCover Insurers' Guide outlines:
- what is and isn't covered
- premiums and excess
- the claims process
- calculating EQCover
- offshore placements
- EQCover direct with the Toka Tū Ake EQC
- conditional building consent issues.
The provisions for EQCover are outlined in the relevant legislation – the Earthquake Commission Act 1993(external link) and the Earthquake Commission Regulations 1993(external link)
The latest version of the EQCover Insurers' Guide
This version (2.0, published 9/1/23) reflects the provisions that are phased into effect for policies that commence or are renewed after 1 October 2022.