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NHCover Insurers' Guide July 2024

NHCover is the Natural Hazard Commission Toka Tū Ake natural hazards insurance for residential buildings and land.

The NHCover Insurers' Guide outlines:  

  • what is and isn't covered
  • the NHCover cap
  • the NHCover levy (incl. offshore placements)
  • Direct NHCover
  • NHCover claims and excesses
  • Title notifications affecting NHCover.

The provisions for NHCover are outlined in the relevant legislation – the Natural Hazards Insurance Act 2023(external link) (NHI Act) and the Natural Hazards Insurance Regulations 2024.

The latest version of the NHCover Insurers' Guide

This version (1.0, published 1/07/24) reflects the provisions that apply with the commencement of the NHI Act on 1 July 2024.

This guide provides a general summary of NHCover. Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake is required to apply and act in accordance with the detailed provisions of the NHI Act. In case of any conflict between the information in the guide and the provisions of the Act, the provisions of the Act will prevail.

October 2022 version

This version (2.0, published 9/1/23) reflects the provisions of the Earthquake Commission Act 1993 (EQC Act) (prior to the 1 July 2024 commencement of the NHI Act), that are phased into effect for policies that have commenced or renewed after 1 October 2022.

EQC Insurers' Guide - October 2022 [PDF, 1.5 MB]

This guide (and all previous versions) provides a general summary of EQCover. NHC Toka Tū Ake is required to apply and act in accordance with the detailed provisions of the EQC Act. In case of any conflict between the information in the guide and the provisions of the Act, the provisions of the Act will prevail.


If you have a question about NHCover (or EQCover) or have difficulty accessing these documents, please use the contact information below:

Phone: (04) 978 6400
Claims 0800 DAMAGE