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Smarter Land Use Action Plan

Cover photo for Smarter Land Use Action Plan web In pursuit of our resilience goal, we have developed two complementary Action Plans; the Smarter Land Use Action Plan and the Resilient Homes and Buildings Action Plan.

The Smarter Land Use Action Plan and its companion, Resilient Homes and Buildings Action Plan , articulate what Toka Tū Ake EQC, in partnership with sector professionals, has to offer in building Aotearoa New Zealand’s resilience, how we want to work with communities and other organisations on common goals and how much we can achieve for New Zealanders when we work smarter and when we work together.

Each of the two Action Plans are based on three objectives, each with associated activities, milestones, and outcomes.

The Action Plans are underpinned by sector partnerships so we can work together to keep New Zealanders and their homes safe from natural hazard event.

Together, their actions will enhance the resilience of Aotearoa New Zealand communities to natural hazards.

Smarter Land Use Action Plan

The goal of the Smarter Land Use Action Plan is to take a proactive approach to reduce our current and future risks through smarter, risk-informed land use planning. The plan will support how we collaboratively navigate challenging policy issues while balancing a range of competing priorities.

You can read the accompanying Resilient Homes and Buildings Action Plan here.