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It’s Our Fault – Wellington’s earthquake risk

It’s Our Fault shares science and data on likely earthquake risk and impacts with local communities, councils and emergency managers to help the Wellington region be more prepared and do what it can to reduce risk.

Along with earthquake hazard, It’s Our Fault looks at the Wellington region’s tsunami hazard, hazard from landslide and rockfall triggered by an earthquake, and liquefaction and fire following an earthquake.

It’s Our Fault has supported many research projects from active fault studies to post-earthquake water supply times, all with the aim of reducing risk making the Wellington region more resilient to natural hazards.

Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake is a key funder of the It’s Our Fault programme.

See more about at It’s Our Fault(external link)

See It’s Our Fault scientists in action studying past earthquakes at Cape Palliser

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