Funding New Zealand research
We invest about $10 million into research every year. That research helps improve our understanding of the natural hazards we live with in New Zealand, and the ways that we can reduce the impact of these hazards on people, property and the community.
We invest in a wide variety of research that fall under this remit, from social to physical sciences and engineering.
Our research investment also plays an important role in growing New Zealand’s workforce of capable natural hazards researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.
The research and capability-building we fund helps develop an evidence-base for making informed decision about how to best prevent and prepare for the impacts of natural hazards.
Our Research Strategy 2024 [PDF, 3 MB] outlines our investment in research and research capability to inform, enable and promote decisions that reduce New Zealand’s vulnerability and exposure to natural hazard events.
Our Resilience & Research Highlights Report 2024 is an annual publication that summarises our recent research and resilience-building work through short stories and interviews.
Go to our All about funding page to learn more about applying for funding for your natural hazards research.